Here, we speak to the top leaders in the industry. As we attempt to decode the next normal, we will run two parallel streams – for starters, we will attempt to read the direction of the wind in specific industries as it navigates the crisis. Guts, Glory and Story is not an attempt to capture the story of any individual – but rather, of all of us, who are battling Covid19 in our own way. And then there are others grabbing out little pieces of experience and getting a small piece out of the big picture. Some people are closer to the action and thus have better perspectives – because they are industry leaders with a view from the top. But if we can grasp even little pieces of the jigsaw, we can try and make sense of the changing reality a tad bit better. No one has the true picture, since the picture itself is evolving.

And as we are hurtling into the new world – known as the next normal or the new normal, we all look peer out of the window panes as while the train is still moving, trying to ascertain what exactly the destination will look like, and what will be the contours of this new world. The year 2020-2021, will be known as a year that transported us from a world we knew into a world that’s defined by completely different rules.